miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2013


Procrastination from Johnny Kelly on Vimeo.

Procrastination is avoiding doing something

Procrastination is not being able to get started

It's reading a book

It's descaling a kettle

It's colour-coordinating your shelves

It's sharpening your pencil

Procrastination is spending thirty minutes looking for the right pen

It's spending ten minutes getting the right pen to work

Procrastination is making a cup of tea

Procrastination is finding the most difficult way of doing something

It's jumping from one idea...

to another...

to another

It's checking your e-mails...

writing your e-mails

Procrastination is thesaurisizing words in your e-mails

Procrastination is making a cup of tea

Procrastination is staring at the window, it's...

watching the neighbours

It's watching television

It's being unable to stop watching television

It's smoking a cigarette

It's doing the dishes

Procrastination is tidying your desk

It's creating...a fire-escape plan

Procrastination is rearranging your furniture

It's playing computer games

It's playing imaginary computer games with your furniture

Procrastination is pairing up your socks

It's writing thank you letters,

it's not writing thank you letters

Procrastination... is daydreaming

Procrastination is petting something

It's watering a plant

It's doodling

Procrastination is trying to grow a moustache

It's chasing a fly

It's chopping your pencil

It's doing eight things at once and not getting one done

Procrastination is taking a nap

Procrastination is getting drunk

It's scratching yourself

It's making a cup of tea

It's cutting your finger

It's oiling the bike

It is picking your nose

It's waiting for the postman

It's trying to avoid the inevitable

Procrastination is writing lists

It's not being able to decide what way to do something

It's overcomplicating things for yourself

It's being afraid to finish something

It's not knowing when to finish something

It's not knowing how to finish something

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